Wednesday, April 23, 2008

America's Next Top Model & Girlicious....

Reality TV is like crack. You know it's bad for you but you keep going back to it.....Now that I have more time on my hands occasionally (and YouTube accomadates the times when I don't), I have become engrossed in some serious reality TV. One of my faves is The Bachelor. It's like a horror movie! I'm screaming at the TV and telling the characters to not go in the Fantasy Suite with him! Don't tell him "I love you" after three weeks of dating! I know they won't end up together but it's like a train crash; it's absolutely horrifying watching these girl-women act so completely obsessed and needy! Biggest Loser, ANTM, and Girlicous top it all off throughout the week. I need rehab.


Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

You so crack me up....(get it crack ;) I'm right there with you. I watch Top Chef, and all that too, and you just know they are going to regret it later. did I tell you my blog got deleted, but I started a new one? Hopefully this one wont get flagged as spam. Funny that you can have all these ones that are spam, but mine gets shut down? Anyway kiss the kids!

HeatherStout said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches the Bachelor! I tell Casey it's my guilty pleasure. My favorite is when the guy walks into the room and all the girls start screaming! I mean, honestly!