Monday, June 16, 2008

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward..."

This weekend was all about Klint cuz he turned the big 3-0! 30 years old! I had fun being sneaky! On Saturday he thought we were going to a matinee movie but instead I took him to the Provo airport for his first hourlong flight in aviation achool! He was so suprised and excited! It was like watching a kid in a toy store. He did a great job, too! Klint got to do most of the flying and never got scared or nervous. I think he's a natural flyer. The instructor told Klint that he was better than the majority of the students he's instructed. Over half of the students that go up end up getting sick or have anxiety attacks apparently. Anywho, I'm SO proud of him. We decided that Klint will HAVE to fly at least once a month until the spring when we apply for a fat loan to pay for flight costs. Klint is SO excited to go up again! Klint told me a really cool Leonardo Davinci quote that expresses how he feels now...."When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." -- Leonardo da Vinci

After Klint's flight, we headed to the pool and had a blast! Unfortunately Jaakson had a "blast" too and decided not to tell Mom he'd pooped in his water diaper. It was too late by the time I noticed a lil floaty working it's way out of his board shorts! (I know, Eww!) SO I immediately got him out of the water and told the lifeguard who was a few feet away of the situation....She waited a few seconds, to which I was extremely grateful, so I could hide my head in shame away on my beach blanket. We left shortly after... Maybe it was the nachos that did it for Jaakson...

Later that night, I threw Klint a suprise kabob BBQ with some family and friends! It was a lot of fun and the kabobs were delicious! Plus, we got to see some friends we haven't seen in a couple years! (Yes YOU, Garrett and Shelby!;)

Father's Day was Klint's birthday AND Father's Day! I am so grateful to be with a man who values our children and truly loves them and is a part of their everyday life! Klint is a truly dedicated father. Klint works so hard for our family and we LOVE him SOOOO much! I'm double-blessed when it comes to the two prominent men in my life. I believe that I found an amazing husband and father to my children only because I had a truly exceptional example growing up. I have the best Dad in the world. I really do. Dad, thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for the solid counsel you have always given me. Thank you for being my Dad first and friend second. Thank you for being a perfect example of patience. Thank you for loving the Lord the way you do. And lastly, thank you for loving Mom and our family and showing me how very possible it is to raise a loving, united family in this day and age. I love you, Dad!


The McCarthys said...

You bloggin women you... I love visiting your blog you always have a recent update!! Sounds like you've been very busy last time I was here. That's awesome about Klint and flying. Tell him happy B-day for us! and happy fathers day :)

HeatherStout said...

I'm so jealous you guys got to go flying! That's awesome. It sounds like you had a way fun weekend!

Jessica said...

What a great thing you did for klint! He is one lucky man, and I feel for you and the pool situation. Kids will be kids though, right!

Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

Happy Birthday Klint! I think your blog is great Ky, Jaakson is soo cute. Of course he didn't want to tell you, that would put a stop to all the fun! Can't wait to see you guys soon-ish ;) at the family reunion (whenever it is) Love you guys.

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

What a fun weekend for you and your family. We thought we were going to have a Father's Day baby, but my contractions slowed by the end of the day. It sounds like having a birthday on Father's Day is a blast. You look fabulous by the way!

Haley said...

What a good little Wifey! Klint's a lucky man... I guess you both got pretty lucky!

Cazier Craziness said...

Wow Klint, Happy Birthday! Thirty?? You are old. It's okay I just turned thirty on Tuesday. Yuck. It looks like you had a great time.

Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

Holy Crud! I can't believe I didn't tell you how so cute Shea is too!!!! her little cubby cheeks just make me want to pinch them! Love you ugys!