Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's my favorite time of year on Fox!!!!


Here are a couple of my favorite auditions I've seen so far...

*Fastforward to 4:20

*Fastforward to 7:25

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Funny things kids have said this past week...

Jaakson calling cookies "beautiful."
Jaakson telling me how his cousin "got-fer" her lunchbox at our house.
Jaakson saying he needs to put his seatbelt on or the "occifer" will pull him over.
Shae saying, "Peese!" and "Tanku."
Jaakson snuggling up to me and whispering, "I like it when you're nice, Mommy."
Shae pointing to a loud plane and yelling, "Birdie!"
Jaakson telling me that he's gonna play baseball when he grows up and "kick Scott's butt." (A tyrant on our co-ed team that has a really bad temper.)
"Don't you do that to my sister!"
when another kid pushed Shae. "Goggy!" when Shae saw/heard a dog on our walk.

Yesterday we hooked a microphone up to the kid's CD player. Hours of entertainment follow. Here's Jaakson freestyling and Shae lookin' like Tom Hanks in "Castaway."

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Flu....

We've been a little antisocial the last week or so. The kids got the flu. Not just a 24-hour thing either! They just got A LOT better as of yesterday and the onset started Wednesday morning for Shae and late Wed/early Thursday morning for Jaakson. Wow, That was the longest stretch of vomit, diarrhea, laundry, and Pedialyte I've ever experienced. Luckily for Jaakson he only threw up twice this whole time while Shae got the worst of it! I took Shae into the Dr. Friday and he says she looks great just needed more time to get over the rest of it. No Swine Flu, don't worry! I was still super cautious and we haven't gone to the gym, church, or etc. Little girl still has some STANKY diarrhea but at least it's becoming more solid today. YUCK!
The things that helped me thru this crazy-ill week:

(Thanks Milissa & Mom!)

...and I've reached a new level of Nerdom...
...mock me if you must! ;)
The kids were DYING to go outside so Friday they played on our neighbor's Power Wheel together, it was so cute! (The quality isn't the greates at this size cuz it's from my phone).

Last weekend when I got home from work I took the kids off Klint's hands so he could finish some homework (and recooperate). We went to Nickelcade and brought Jaakson's friend along! (Maybe that's where the kids picked up the flu, that place is always packed....) It was superfun, nonetheless!

...trying to get the kids to stop moving at this place was next to impossible hence the blurry pix...

Warning! The video below shows the kids playing and I'm one of those really obnoxious, annoying moms that is more excited than her kids....