Thursday, May 21, 2009

Funny things kids have said this past week...

Jaakson calling cookies "beautiful."
Jaakson telling me how his cousin "got-fer" her lunchbox at our house.
Jaakson saying he needs to put his seatbelt on or the "occifer" will pull him over.
Shae saying, "Peese!" and "Tanku."
Jaakson snuggling up to me and whispering, "I like it when you're nice, Mommy."
Shae pointing to a loud plane and yelling, "Birdie!"
Jaakson telling me that he's gonna play baseball when he grows up and "kick Scott's butt." (A tyrant on our co-ed team that has a really bad temper.)
"Don't you do that to my sister!"
when another kid pushed Shae. "Goggy!" when Shae saw/heard a dog on our walk.

Yesterday we hooked a microphone up to the kid's CD player. Hours of entertainment follow. Here's Jaakson freestyling and Shae lookin' like Tom Hanks in "Castaway."


David and Jaycee said...

I love the little things kids say! I really need to record them more often! One of these days maybe we'll actually meet each others kids! Love ya

The McCarthys said...

I love the "I like it when your nice mommy" that is so funny!! WE need to get together for lunch one of these days! I can tell by your flu post you've had your hands full lately. :D