Thursday, January 17, 2008

So, breastfeeding...

For all my ladies.....

Wow. That's all I can say. I have to say that I have SO much respect and admiration for mothers who breastfeed their babies for the first year. BFing takes SO much patience and love along with many other attributes. With Jaakson I gave up breastfeeding after two weeks....I'm not gonna lie, formula was WAY more convenient with my school and work schedule at the time. Now, with Shae, I'm home during the day and most nights so I really want to make it to the one year mark but, seriously, HOW?! Sometimes it's like I have a rotweiler, not a newborn, gnawing away! Ha, ha!, really though... I love being able to provide nourishment and comfort for her via breastfeeding but there are some trade-offs I can't get over feeling guilty about such as poor Jaakson is getting neglected, my place is a wreck most of the time, and I feel a little isolated from everyone, including Klint, because I've been little more than a milk factory for the past month. ;) I'm sticking with it because I see how happy it makes Shae and I know "breast is best" and etc. So, advice? Words of wisdom?


Natalie said...

I LOVE nursing! I never thought I would say that, because it sounds kinda creepy...but I've never bonded so much with someone. Seriously, the first couple of weeks SUCKS (literally). My toes would curl whenever she'd latch on, but it did get easier. However, everyone is different. I am proud of you for sticking it through. That's funny that you think bottle is convenient, because I thought nursing is easier. Good luck & let me know how it goes!

Kylene said...

It was only convenient because I had work and school then but now that I'm home all day, it is WAY more convenient to nurse :)

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

Hey Kylene,
I just happened upon your blog and couldn't believe it. CONGRATULATIONS on your new addition. She is beautiful!! I know how difficult breast feeding can be, I've got two boys of my own. My advice go for as long as you can. With Ethan my first son I had to pump because I was working. (What a drag) With Dallin I was able to stay at home and NOT pump,it made it much easier. I wish you and your adorable family every happiness. Lindi Harry (Jenson, Spokane 10th ward)

David and Jaycee said...

I Feel You Babe! First off, I'M FINALLY DONE BREAST FEEDING!! ya hooo!!!! I'm a little depressed that my girls are a pathetic A cup but on a positive note I feel really skinny!!! (even though when I turn side ways it kind of creeps me out that I look like a 12 yr old boy with man boobs!) Anywho....Why is it when you are pregnant everyone has all sorts of labor stories etc. giving you the false notion that it will be the most stressful part of the whole ordeal??? I personally feel it's a sick joke that no one informs the new moms that breast feeding is THEE MOST STRESSFUL THING in the whole event of that first year! (besides teething, but that's a whole other story) Seriously though, once you think you have it down, the nursing cycle changes, because of course she's growing and changing. Don't get too comfortable because once you've finally got a good "flow" going on it's time to start the weaning process! (naturally, more stress) Probably the most annoying part is when the next baby comes you feel just as clueless as you did the first time!! (okay, maybe a little more confident! just a little) I say, Come on and throw us Moms a freakin bone!!!
I think just knowing that 99 percent of women have had some sort of breast feeding difficulty etc. helps you feel like you're #1. normal and #2. The time passes quickly and just to cherish the one on one time while you can!!
Love your guts