Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Back at it!

Whew. That was a rough day last year apparently! (see post below) Thank you for the support, ladies! (Just realized I had comments to moderate when I logged on today).
Anywhoo, I'm back at it! Blogging seems like a fun thing to do again since I suck at journaling and don't have the patience to scrapbook. Plus, this is the first time I am not working outside of the home and I actually have the desire and a little extra time now and then to write. Don't get me wrong, staying-at-home is so much harder than cutting men's hair but it does allow me to hop on my laptop much more frequently.
I now reside in the land of....*drumroll*....Arizona! Anti-climactic? Even though it feels like I'm in the movie "Rango" at times, I am really enjoying the change in scenery. Utah is in another dimension. I don't say that with a negative connotation either. We knew this when we moved but it still has been a little bit of a culture shock for us.  Not in a bad way though! I just have to throw this out there; Arizona REALLY likes it's alcohol! Wine racks in practically every aisle at the grocery store! "We're not in Kansas anymore..."
I can't say enough how grateful I am for the internet! I am grateful for Facebook, email, blogging, YouTube, and all the other social media outlets. It will take time to meet some super-cool Arizona neighborhood friends to play with from time to time so it's nice to know I can still stay connected to my friends and family in Utah and elsewhere.
My kids haven't haven't started school yet due to a 16 day fall-break. Unpacking and setting up a new home with 3 rambunctious kids running amok= utter chaos. It's ok. That's how we roll. I've accepted that. Jaakson is the most reluctant to meet new people and start at a new school but already has a few good neighborhood friends he plays with every day so I'm not TOO worried for now.  Plus, he's a good-looking kid and very friendly. Now if I could figure out how to deal with his brooding nature and attitude..... Shae is a social butterfly and Elena is just happy anytime she's not stuck in her carseat! I think they'll all do great.
Klint loves his new job but is also finding just how different people are outside of Utah. He works with great people and is excited for the new friendships and associations he's building. Aside from the colorful language that flies around his new workplace, he is adjusting well and enjoying going to work everyday to do what he loves.
This has been an.....interesting transition so far. More random thoughts to come.............


Rappleye Family said...

Glad things are working out! Crazy we moved out around the same time! We are still adjusting too!

Kristin said...

Wow - major changes. Tell Klint to hang in there. I've had a few jobs where the language mellowed out after they realized it made me uncomfortable. He'll be a great influence on them, no doubt.