Thursday, April 24, 2008

My brothas....

I'm am SOOO proud of all 4 of my brothers! They are ALL amazing in different ways and for different reasons. Here's a couples vids that my equally amazing sis-in-law, Angela;)posted on YouTube. Here's Jarod, a.k.a. "J-Rod," racing in his Thunder Roadster #91 pullin' in 4th! Yeah, boi! This is only his second year racing, too. I believe Jarod placed in the Nationals last year, too! He got first in one of the races, I can't remember which. :Z But regardless, I'm impressed. Then the video below is Todd ROASTIN' another Mustang a couple weekends ago! I will tell you, I actually peed my pants just a lil' the first time Todd gave me a ride in it....hey, you would have too! Don't judge me! ;) Jaakson made me watch these videos over and OVER. He kept saying "Fast car! McQueen!"....but that's ok, I didn't mind. :) Hopefully I'll get to make it down to Saint Jorge soon to watch my boys in action in viva Las Vegas...

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