Thursday, May 8, 2008

12.12.08 I'm THERE!

I'm such a nerd. I can't wait. I'll be waiting in line with a bunch of 13-year old girls. If you're a nerd, too, the official trailer will be on tomorrow afternoon at

In case you haven't already read it, here is the link for the article in this month's "Time" magazine about Stephenie Meyer,,9171,1734838,00.html.

Loved this part of the interview/article:

Resisting that temptation is a constant struggle. Edward's choice--and the willingness to choose a different way in general--is a major theme in Meyer's books. "I really think that's the underlying metaphor of my vampires," she says. "It doesn't matter where you're stuck in life or what you think you have to do; you can always choose something else. There's always a different path."

True. But that does not exhaust the meaning of the Twilight books. Certainly some of their appeal lies in their fine moral hygiene: they're an alternative to the hookup scene, Gossip Girls for good girls. There's no drinking or smoking in Twilight, and Bella and Edward do little more than kiss. "I get some pressure to put a big sex scene in," Meyer says. "But you can go anywhere for graphic sex. It's harder to find a romance where they dwell on the hand-holding. I was a late bloomer. When I was 16, holding hands was just--wow."

But it is the rare vampire novel that isn't about sex on some level, and the Twilight books are no exception. What makes Meyer's books so distinctive is that they're about the erotics of abstinence. Their tension comes from prolonged, superhuman acts of self-restraint. There's a scene midway through Twilight in which, for the first time, Edward leans in close and sniffs the aroma of Bella's exposed neck. "Just because I'm resisting the wine doesn't mean I can't appreciate the bouquet," he says. "You have a very floral smell, like lavender ... or freesia." He barely touches her, but there's more sex in that one paragraph than in all the snogging in Harry Potter.


Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

Hmmm..... looks good. Ashley read those. It might be worth the read. Love ya! ps good job on your game, and your shrits, they look great.

Rivers and Monica said...

Must admitt, I loved the books. However, I think the movie is going to be a disappointment. Just me, but I don't think the casting for Edward was the greatest. He should have stayed with Harry Potter. I shouldn't let it bug me, but if one of the main characters of a movie seems out of place the whole movie is lame. That being said, of course I will still be one of the first to see the movie.

Hey, if the guys don't want to go. We should get some of us girls that live up here together for the movie. Even if the hubby's do want to come we could make it a big date night.

Natalie said...

Um, I will be right there butting my way in the line amidst pre-teens. "Twilight" is an amazing series...and I think Edward is going to be better than I thought. OH SO EXCITED!

Jessica said...

you're not alone in waiting for this movie!!! I think I might just have to reread the book right before the movie comes out. I just got her new book "the host" for mother day! I can't wait to start it!

HeatherStout said...

I don't know about Edward; SOOO not the Edward in my head! (But then, I don't think anyone could do him justice!)

David and Jaycee said...

I'm so glad to hear that I'm not that only one on the obsessed side when it comes to the twilight series!
I'm actually re-reading them right now! Sad to say it's just as hard to put down! My hubby thinks I have some serious problems! And ya know what, I'll be the first to admit it! I REALLY DO! At least he gets some good lov'in afterwards so come on, it can't be too bad, right!? What can I say I love the cheezy romance! David read the first book and said he almost threw up at the lovey dovey scenes, haha! I just eat it up like a fat kid eating chocolate cake! mm mm good!

The Saudi Sandbox said...

I am reading Twilight right now, and we have the sequel...Emma's working on getting good grades so she can get it. She told me that I'll be surprised that she loves this book so much because it's a love story. I told her that it must be a really good one for her to read it!

The Saudi Sandbox said...

I am reading "Twilight" right now. Emma is working on getting good grades and then she will get the second book on June 9th. She told me I'll be surprised that she loves this book so much because it's a love story. If Emma loves it, I'm sure it's good. We might even be near a movie theater when this comes out, but Em doesn't want to see it, though. She's afraid it won't be as good as the book.