Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Here are some pics of my weight-loss progress since I started Turbo Jam in May! I started out working out 3 days a week for a couple weeks than took it up to 5 days a week. Now I'm shooting for 6 days a week since I still have 10 more pounds to take off. I'll post more when I'm closer to that goal.
Now I know I probably won't have a super tight tummy since I've had 2 C-sections and will have more in the future but I'm actually pretty happy where I'm at! I feel good and my pre-baby clothes fit. I'm never going to shoot for a super hard body because honestly, I want to stay somewhat curvy and feminine. AND I don't want to become obsessed with working out and eating nothing but veggies just to get a lil' leaner! ;) The biggest challenge for me is to lay off the sweets and soda. It doesn't help that Klint wants to eat ice cream every night before we go to bed either. Ha! Anyways, thanks for the support and I'll post more in another month or so. The holidays are gonna be a killer!

April 2008

*We had just finished eating so my stomach is a lil' exaggerated but it's a good before! ;)

Today/September 2008


Haley said...

Holye Cow KY! You look amazing!!!!! I am jealous!

The Jimmy Harry Family said...

You look fantastic girl! What are you doing? Can I do it too? I bet you just feel so fantastic. Hats off to you Kylene!

Katie said...

Ky, you're hot.

Always have been, always will be.


Yea for you! You look awesome!

Rosie Moncrief said...

Super Sexy!!! I wish I had that motivation to work out, haha!!

Natalie said...

bum.chicka.wow.wow! You look HOT! Keep it up!