Thursday, January 15, 2009

Still swollen....

Klint had a molar pulled on Monday due to a drunk, crazy guy punching him on his mission in England. Klint's face is STILL huge 4 days later! Even worse because of Klint's work responsibilities and flight safety, he is not able to take any pain meds. What a trooper! I'm sure he'll love that I posted these pix...hee hee!

Here he is just home from work and flying and hadn't had a pain pill in over 24 hours! :(



Poor Klint! I want to hear more about this drunk crazy guy - what happened??

RazakFamily said...

Poor Klint!!!
No pain meds?? He's my hero!!!

Kristin said...

Where does your husband work? I work for an airline, so I'm curious.

Kristin said...

Where does your husband work? I work for an airline, so I'm curious.

Angela said...

whatever! Todd and I know you beat your husband when we're not looking. You prolly smacked him in the face, didn't ya? Just kidding! It's funny because the word verification i have to type in is "outchi".. HA!!!

Natalie said...

YIKES! I hate teeth problems...they are the worst! It sucks even more, that he can't take a painkiller to escape the ache!