Thursday, October 23, 2008

Does scary movie equal "R" rating?

Klint and I LOOOOOVE scary movies so naturally October is our favorite time of year! We get to see a lot of scary movies that have been edited for TBS, TNT, AMC and etc. It's hard to find a truly scary/creepy movie sans boobs or vulgarity, right? Why do directors and etc insist on adding all that unnecessary nastiness? SO, I thought I'd post some of my favorite scary/Halloween movies:

Midnight Lace (1960) *Doris Day does a great job in this movie!
Wait Until Dark (1967) *Audrey Hepburn is always good :)
The Village (2004) * I LOVE M. Night Shyamalan.
Lady in the Water
The Sixth Sense
The Ring 1 & 2
The Grudge 1 & 2
Shutter *Asian girls do scary well!
The Changeling (1980) *I saw this in middle school in choir class!
Lady in White
Hocus Pocus *This one still makes me laugh.

So, what are your favorites? I need some new stuff to watch for Halloween.


Cazier Craziness said...

We hate, hate, hate scary movies. We are wimps, but a good scary/creepy movie we came across is The Skeleton Key! Can't be much help in this area. Congrats on your anniversary.

Katie said...

What lies beneath and Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

That headless horseman freaks me out every time (wink)

shelby said...

I LOVED the Changling when I was younger!

Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

have you seen the watcher in the woods? scared me to death when I was 13, and I think the library has it. Or the haunting, those are the ones I'm "allowed" to watch. LOL I tried watching Halloween, and broke 2 doors later that night. Have to love low tollerence to terror. LOL

Angela said...

The scariest movie I can handle is Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride". And Beetlejuice. I'm the biggest wimp you'll ever meet. Todd doesn't let me watch spooky movies anymore because he doesn't like it when I sleep on his side of the bed. HA!

The McCarthys said...

Darkness Falls, The children of the Corn (I haven't seen that in a while, but I think it's ok) What Lies Beneath, Dark Water (I just watched this one... really good!). I love scary movies too :)