Monday, October 13, 2008

Ode to my Klint....

As of yesterday, Klint and I have been married 6 YEARS!!! We have had two kids together and many, many memories together and yet, it seems we've only been together for a couple years.....why is that? "Time flies when you're having fun," I guess??? The picture at the top of the page is when Klint proposed to me out in Arizona while we were at a big campout July of 2002. I still get butterflies thinking of that historical moment of my life. My playlist is made up of songs that are special and reflect our journey together through the days of our courtship, engagement, newlywed days, and now. I just have to say, I am truly SO humble and grateful to have the opportunity to know Klint and to be his wife and best friend. Klint has taught me more than I thought possible about unconditional love, what it means to be truly genuine, and how to master my insecurities.
I love this man more than I can express with words. There are too many reasons I love and respect and adore Klint. I knew I was in for it from the beginning when he wrote and recorded a song for me for Valentine's Day after going on only 4 dates. I knew I didn't deserve him when he forgave me countless times for my confused state of mind early in our relationship. I knew I was lucky when he left me notes and presents at home and work often. I knew I was head over heels when I saw him perform in his band for the first time. I knew it was over and that I was in absolute love with him from the moment he mentioned "Sleepless in Seattle" was one of his favorites. And I knew we'd be together forever when I'd gained almost 35 pounds during my first pregnancy with Jaakson and he would tell me every day, unprovoked, that I was beautiful..... and meant it.


beth said...

You are one lucky lady! Seriously, he is way lucky too. You were a cool chick in high school and are even cooler now!!! Congrats!

Leslie said...

Very very sweet. You guys are awesome. Happy anniversary!