Saturday, February 2, 2008


My lovely friend, Debbie, works at P.F. Changs and graciously invited Klint and me out to dinner Wednesday night. Now, I grew up on pretty ordinary food like Hamburger Helper and ham 'n potato casserole so I am somewhat reluctant to try the more unusual dishes. Lucky for me, I married someone who has helped me to broaden my food horizons considerably. I LOVED ALL OF IT! It was SOOO delicious! I loved the lettuce wraps the most! If I could afford it, I would eat there all the time! I loved that I was satisfied and didn't feel the least bloated or lethargic afterwards. It's nice when a really good and trendy friend works at a trendy, expensive restaurant at which she has a very nice discount! ;)

1 comment:

Milissa Texas SuperMOM! said...

So that's why Jarod wont try many new things! It's inhearited!!!! It's always nice to have fun with friends. Ps your body looks amazing! how old is Shea?! 2 months? Wow!